Beautiful hills of yellows, red and orange leaves along the way. Hard to tell from a moving bus but trust me, it looked really good.
In Burlington, we decided to get a bite to eat since it had been a long time since breakfast. The Church Street pedestrian mall downtown main was bursting with people, crowds everywhere. We finally found a place to eat off the main drag, at Henry’s Diner, a throwback to the 60’s.
Used to be a train car and turned it into a counter plus more booths and tables.
Big servings but we handled it. Now to find accommodation for the next three nights. Guess what it is a holiday here too! Who knew? Columbus Day! Did we book ahead, no. After even looking at $400 a night rooms, which fortunately were booked, we headed 3-4 kms out of town to Colchester/Winooski. Found the Quality Inn for only $200, however we arrived at 5:30 and it now 7 and we are still waiting for a room. We are both learning patience!
To get here we took a taxi. The driver was a cross between Christopher Lloyd from Back to the Future and a rough looking cowboy, scary. And maybe Travis Bickle, the murderous cabbie Robert DeNiro played in Taxi Driver. He asked, who are your favourite Canadian singers?? I was afraid to answer wrong. He named Gordon Lightfoot and Neil Young. He then told us how he almost beat up Justin Bieber during the singer’s Vermont appearance.
After our 2 hour wait for our room we need something to eat. Guess what is next door? Burger King and McDonalds.
Wait till you see what I’ve found for tomorrow night.
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