Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Last sleep

This is the penultimate day. We fly home tomorrow night. It’s been a very good holiday. 
Today we visited the Hulihe’e Palace. It was a former residence of Kamehameha the Great. And later home to many members of Hawaiian royalty. Today the museum showcases artifact from the era of King Kalakaua and Queen Kapi’olani. 

The furniture is made from the Koa tree, a really hard wood.

The royalty made “clothing” out of bird feathers.

And decorative pieces.

The building was lovely being right on the water with an afternoon breeze. You can see why Hawaiian royalty picked this spot.

cruise ship docked to unload travellers.
The back of the palace

The Banyan tree outside the palace was amazing! 

Some interesting trees and roots?

Time for a cold drink- Hawaiian Breeze, Mojito, Strawberry 
Swirl, all mocktails! 

Back home for time around the pool. 

It is so hot by noon that it is not comfortable walking around. You definitely need somewhere to cool off. 

Ken and Sue joined the fun.
One last time now to catch a sunset. We never have seen the flash of green that is suppose to show up just as the sun sinks down. But we looked! 

Time for dinner . Unfortunately after walking to the place we planned to have dinner, it was not opened. 
So a Thai spot was next best. It was ok…

Norm liked his curry.

I had Pad Thai.
Our dinner photo! 

Now to have more day to swim, lunch and pack for home. 


  1. It looks like you had the place to yourselves!

  2. Have a safe flight home..missed you !

  3. Love the pic of you and Norman on the sand, looking at the sunset. Safe and speedy trip home.
