Wednesday, July 29, 2020

2 rivers, 3 swims

You know you’re on holidays when you have ice cream 3 days in a row. 
Norm and Martin on the deck with their morning coffee before breakfast. 

Next Martin has us doing chores, blueberry and raspberry picking. Well not really chores but once we finished we got to go swimming!! 

Maybe a little bit of tasting. 

First swim, just us at the Kettle River, so clear and refreshing! 

Martin found a fishing rod today and many other items over the years. 

Norm saying hi. 

I just got out. 

Home for lunch and off to the next river, the Granby. 

Note the backdrop of black slag, leftovers from the copper smelter. It’s all owned by the city of GF, which Martin says has made considerable revenue from selling the stuff for sandblasting abrasives and for manufacturing rock wool insulation. Despite all the black stuff, the water is clean, clear and so refreshing! Love it!

Next stop is at Tastie Treat for ice cream. It tasted so good. 

Time to relax at home, have dinner and then off for our last swim of the day. This time Oso gets to come so he can cool off. Again the Granby River but different location. Maybe a bit cooler but still perfect. 

I told Martin that his rating for our stay is definitely five stars! Thanks!! 


  1. Who needs to travel to Europe to have a good holiday when everything you need is here in BC. 3 swims in one day, perfect!

  2. You are so right! Even the weather feels like Italy.

  3. sounds like a perfect road trip...except for all that swimming.. hot here !

  4. I can literally feel the heat. You two will be in great swimming shape for SaltSpring Island!
