Check out Yellow Bunny on the Coho.
We caught the Coho to Port Angeles at 10:30 am and while boarding met Dave and Ann Mathers also on bikes. I taught with Dave at Belmont. What fun to spend the hour and half talking travels, biking , walking tours and plans for the next holiday.
Once in Port Angeles we said good bye to Dave and Ann who planned to bike all the way to Port Townsend and are much faster than us but planned to see them for dinner.
The bike path to Sequim was so nice, like the Goose but paved all the way. One of the signs I saw along the way said Speed Zone - Walk, Jog, Trot. ( or bike). Another interesting sign and I think Norm might bring it up at the next Metchosin Council meeting, was a memorial out house or porta pottie. Instead of providing a memorial bench when some one dies, there was a portable toilet for use for one year in memory of a loved one. Neat eh!
But one of the more interesting sites was the crew clearing the sides of the trail. As you can see the path was beautiful and well forested.
We had to slow down for the Chain Gang who were cutting down trees, trimming branches then putting them through a chipper. There must have been a dozen men doing the job. I thought of taking a picture but when I saw the supervisors with guns on their hips and then Norm points out that the men all have shackles on their legs, I think taking a photo is not a good idea. I think in is my first real chain gang!
Other sites along the way - art work?
We crossed some really nice creeks and rivers. This is the Dungeness river.
We made it to Se quim by 2:30, found a Starbucks and figured out where to catch a bus to Port Townsend. Biking was an option but it would have been another 50km and this is our first day so we thought it best to work our way slowly back in to 5 hours of biking. By 4:30 we were on the bus along with two bikes in the aisle since the triple bike rack was full, one blue eyed dog owned by a somewhat intoxicated man (at the front with a black and white dog) and few other interesting locals. We felt right at home.
We met up with Dave and Ann for dinner at Sirens for beer and burgers. They had an excellent ride all the way, about 5 hours.
We are now relaxing at the Commander's Beach House, a B&B right on the beach. It is a Cape Cod style house only two blocks to town, part of an old Coast Guard station. 

A sweet room with at least 10 pillows on the bed but amazing views of the water.
Peddle ...I mean pedal on, Mary & Norman. Love your photos, May the weather be kind and the bike paths smooth.
ReplyDeleteThat actually looks like a lot of fun. Might even be a ride that I could manage, along with the bus trip. Happy Trails.