We had breakfast with Duncan and Lauraine and then on the train to Nijmegen. Life slows down in Nijmegen with Kees and Dineke Breurkens. We settle in and then off to meet their son, Jasper and wife Maartje, son Boris and new son Thomas. Norm always arrives with gifts.

The umbrella is a hit!

The weather might need an umbrella. Back home where Dineke services us a traditional Dutch dinner, white asparagus with melted butter, cooked egg, mashed potatoes and sliced ham. Smaakt lekker!

Breakfast...... my favourite muesli and many toppings.

Next morning their daughter came by to say hello. Idris, husband Bram, Lisa and Teun, a lovely family. Norm gave the best gifts, as usual!! Pencil crayons and case for Lisa and a monkey for Teun.

This afternoon Dineke planned a walk, 12km. It was in Mook (the town) heide (heather) moor. In the summer the hills would be covered with beautiful pink from the heather. The weather was perfect, cool, sunny and cloudy.

Great views. Notice they have broom here too. Yellow Bunny loved the walk.

And finally heading home....

Tomorrow I’ll show Dineke about spanakopita with help from granddaughter Lisa. Should be fun!